DARCARS Toyota of Frederick

Jan 7, 2022

It’s the new year, and perhaps you’ve decided to put yourself on a budget and save money whenever possible. One of the best ways to save money is to get better gas mileage. With fuel prices risings, you’ll need some tips to make your vehicle run as efficiently as possible.

Slow Down

This is probably a tip you don’t want to read, but it’s one of the best ways to improve your gas mileage. Fuel efficiency peaks typically at 50 miles per hour for most vehicles, so your gas mileage tends to drop once you reach that speed. Lowering your highway speed by 10 miles per hour can increase your fuel efficiency by as much as 14%. This may not sound like a lot, but it adds up over time.

Better Gas Mileage Frederick MD

Plan Trips

Another great way to conserve fuel is to plan your errands ahead of time so you can complete several tasks with a minimum number of stops. For example, if you need to visit the bank, and there’s a branch at your grocery store, go ahead and do your grocery shopping simultaneously. This will eliminate a second stop at the grocery store later. You should also map out the most efficient route to get to places as well.

Avoid Rush Hour

This may seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning because we always seem to find ourselves in the middle of rush hour even when we don’t plan to be. When your car is running but not moving, you’re wasting fuel. The stop-and-go conditions of rush hour have a significant impact on fuel efficiency. If you’re able to avoid rush hour, either in the morning or evening, or both, you’ll save a small fortune at the pump.

Use the Carpool Lanes

If you find yourself stuck in rush hour traffic, see if carpool or fast-track lanes are available. You’ll have to pay for them if you don’t meet the carpool requirements to drive in the lane for free, but those costs may be cheaper than the extra fuel costs you’ll incur if you sit in stalled traffic. Just be sure that you meet the requirements or are willing to pay the fees before jumping into that lane.

Use Cruise Control

Driving at consistent speeds helps conserve fuel, so if you’re on the highway, use your cruise control feature to even out your speed. You don’t want to use cruise control in town because you’ll probably get tired of engaging and disengaging it, and you should never use it on slick roads, but on dry highways, this feature can increase fuel efficiency and give your leg and foot a nice rest from constantly pressing on the gas pedal.

Avoid Long Idle Times

As mentioned earlier, idling wastes gas, so if your car is idling for long periods, you’re just throwing your money into a pit. This also means you shouldn’t allow your car to idle to warm up. You’re not getting good gas mileage whenever you’re not moving but your vehicle is running. Eliminate idling, and you’ll see a big improvement in fuel savings.


In Maryland, you know you’re going to run into rush hour and cold weather, so plan to conserve as much fuel – and money – as possible. If you’re interested in investing in a new vehicle, we recommend browsing our selection of fuel-efficient and hybrid models at DARCARS Toyota of Frederick today!